
2 minute read

1. Git

Please follow the installation instructions here for further details about installing git.

2. Nodejs

Please follow the installation instructions here for further details about installing nodejs.

3. Angular CLI

Please make sure you have already installed NodeJs before installing Angular CLI.

Before you start, make sure you have already installed one of the angular/cli supported version using the following command:

npm install -g @angular/cli@x.y.z

A list of angular supported version could be found here.

Install angular/cli by executing the following command:

  npm install -g @angular/cli

πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ Please refer to angular version compatibility section, for further angular versions compatibility information support.

4. Authentication Provider

Averos application uses jwt as the default authentication and authorization schema. It relies on authentication providers which could be considered as authentication APIs that handle and manage users along with the authentication and authorization processes.
For the sake of this tutorial, we are going to use an authentication mock server that I made available in the following github repository.
This authentication api mock, available for forking at will, will be used as our authentication provider.

ℹ️ Note that, the current averos version does not support working without an authentication provider. Also, support for known authentication providers such as auth0 is not available yet.
Future versions will include these capabilities.
Since your application needs an authentication provider, you might want to implement one according to averos specifications available here or use the authentication mock server available here.
Besides, you might want to configure your default averos service configuration bindings for your application authentication service to match with your authentication provider server location attributes (server, port, uri…). This could be achieved by creating/updating the existing averos service configuration whose id should be equal to the value AuthService, using the averos workflow command averos-config as described below:

ng g @wiforge/averos:averos-config --id=AuthService --type=service --host=[your-auth-server-address] --port=[our-auth-server-port] --protocol=[our-auth-server-protocol] --endpoint=[your-auth-api-uri]

🚩 More details on averos authentication provider specifications could be found in the Authentication Provider section.

You might want to locally install and run averos backend mock authentication provider back end mock by proceeding with the following command line:

  git clone && cd averos-backend-mock && npm install && npm start

Now let’s first have a look at the application business requirements and see what are the capablities and features that we are going to implement.
Once the application requirements are defined, we will move on to the design step where we will specify our application in a design close to UML language.

These topics will be explained in the next chapter.