Field Value Domain Description

As described in the previous chapter, a field value domain values defines the list of values to be displayed in a component of type collection. Usually these values are displayed as a one or multiple choices list.

For instance, a list box domain values including {β€œMale”,”Female”} will defines the possible values related to the member gender which belongs to the entity User).
The target Field Domain could be either static or dynamic.
In both cases each displayed values could be translated to one of the 11 supported languages using its related translationID.

πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ Please refer to averos Translation methods for further details on how to configure translationID.

When using the static value domain, averos users should provide a set of values that describes the target domain by setting them in the defaultDomain attribute.


                "key": "Male",
                "value": "Male",
                "translationID": "user.gender.male"
                "key": "Female",
                "value": "Female",
                "translationID": "user.gender.female"

Dynamic values domain, on the other hand, will require averos users to specify a field domain service along with a service method that the framework will request in order to get the target values.
The set of possible values that depicts the target domain is therefore retrieved by means of an invocation of the service method (i.e domainControllerMethod) that is defined in the domain service (i.e. domainControllerType).


            "domainControllerType": "MyAverosApplicationDomainControllerService",
            "domainControllerMethod": "getMyAverosApplicationStatusValueDomain"

Please refer to Domain Controller Service Specifications for further details.